
Thursday, March 25, 2021

My pixel art

 We had to make pixel art.with cube's.I made wave's with a water dragon.The challenges were under standing the keys.

Friday, March 19, 2021

The Hill

I smell fresh air going through my veins.

I hear the plants bending through the wind. It remind's me when I am at the beach and I am alone.

I see the saplings with blazing orange petals. It remind's me of the tree's in autumn.

Friday, March 5, 2021

My garden whiting


I hear the tree's swaying side to side in the cold breeze it rim mind's me about the beach

 on a windy day.


I can smell the fresh air the plant's and fresh sea water

 it rim mind's me about the time i went to a

 flower garden. 


I can see the tree's the bird's flying past and the leave's drifting away

 it rim mind's me of a rain forest.