
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Seal Pup

 What is her name? Aquatic

Where is the pup’s mother? At the bottom of the ocean

What animal is she? A seal

What might she have learnt already from her mother? How to walk

How old is the pup? 7

Do you remember learning to swim? yes 

What were the biggest challenges you had to overcome? Nothing yet

Will the pup be brave enough to enter the water? Yes I think she can

How is it that some animals are better swimmers than others? They have different feat

How do you think it would feel to swim in that water? chilly

Would you be able to do it? no

The young pup peered down into the icy water below with a growing feeling of trepidation. Only a few days old, she had learnt so much already from watching her mother, but this challenge was her greatest so far.

How would it feel to be submerged? What would she find lurking underneath the surface? How would she ever get back onto dry land?

Questions flooded her mind like a torrent of icy water, but bravely she inched closer to the edge she moved forward closer and closer dipping her paw in the deep Ocean of the picific she fell down all the way to the bottom. She was scared. She closed her eye’s. And swam flying through the water. She swam to the surface. She was scared but she got braver so she was not scared anymore. Then she wasn't scared of the water.

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