
Monday, August 16, 2021


 Once there was a man who went to war and remembered that day for the rest of his life why because he was the bravest of them all. And all of the others were dead shot by the jets. And sliced from sword. But there was one person who was stuck and was taken by the other side never seen again. Or was he that was the end of wave one the next group was out charging head first and some survived and some not so much. The man never gave up so he was in the next wave. The end of wave two. Now it is the final wave most people were dead others still alive. he will remember that day. Chapter 2. the next war. Wave one. death. most died less then the other people were dead the man was still alive. Wave two. Most alive some were not so much. Wave three. People were fighting under water and some on land some underground and some were just lying on the ground dead. Probably because they didn't think of a plan. 

1 comment:

  1. Great story James! You had lots of detail to describe what happened in the war. A helpful suggestion is that you could also describe how the man was feeling, and maybe he could be talking to someone?


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