
Thursday, September 2, 2021

Backyard Scavenger Hunt


  1. Find A blade of grass that is bigger than your pinkie.

  2. Find A heart shaped leaf.

  3. Find A tree with a pattern.

  4. Find A purple flower.

  5. Find A different colour leaf like red or orange.

  6. Find A red flower and a yellow flower.

  7. Make a rainbow out of flowers. And take pictures. Do not pick them.


  1. What a fun activity James. I really like the pic collage you have made, it makes me think of Spring!

  2. Hi James, What a fun scavenger hunt. Did you make this one or did someone else in your family create it for you. I can see by your pictures you managed to find all the things on the list.

  3. Great idea James. I have found a blade of grass that is bigger than my pinkie a tree with a pattern on the trunk, a purple flower (my basil plant), red grape leaf and a yellow daffodil. I am going to use your idea of photographing flowers and making a collage for my mum as you loves flowers and I can't give them to her at the moment : >


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