
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Blending In.

As they dashed off a glimmer of stripes could be seen. All of the horses where white and black, some were both. The thing was the black and white ones where zebras they got separated from there pack. And then they found horses so they blended in. A rainbow went over the field and revealed the zebras it got in there eyes and they dropped down so there was nothing white and black. so it looked normal in the dark patch of grass until the horses went to eat so the zebras went with them. the horses continued so they went up and then Everyone left so the zebras did something they put there black stripes in between the patch of patterns he went in place and they looked like a normal horse. The horses were mad so they kicked them over but they didn't let them.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Monday Mash-Up

Maori art:we had to draw some Maori art we drawed dolphins, turtles, shark's and snails

Thursday, November 4, 2021



Thursday, September 30, 2021

Word Find About The Sun

click me if you wanna SE a word find 

the words you need to find is

sun hot space rockets and no living life forms.

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Sun And Us

 click me please if you want to see my brain storm.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Friday, September 17, 2021

My Model Of The Earth

 This day i made a marsh mellow model of the earth.
and it smells like heaven. and a giant poppy.
it first has a chocolate layer that is the crust and the marsh mellow is the mantle and the m and m is the outer core and the m and ms chocolate middle is the inner core.
the differences are that the earth is not eatable and it does not have water and rock and its smaller the the earth.
and you can eat it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Egg Earth

Eggs have a similar look as earth.
Because it has a shell/crust the white bit/mantle.
The peach bit/outer core orange bit/inner core.
Its like the same thing but not because it is a oval.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Bubble Photo Challenge 2021

 I took lots of photos for the bubble challenge.  I used BeFunky to put them into a collage.

Here are my photos

Belonging - all about me

Belonging - where you live

Belonging - out and about

Dancing milk

My mum and i made dancing milk in her zoom meeting. First you put milk into a bowl and just half way.
And then grab dish washing liquid and poor it into a cup and grab a tooth pick.
And put food dye in it and then put the tooth pick in the dish washing liquid and dip it in the milk.
And your done.

                                                        😉thanks for reading this.😐


Thursday, September 2, 2021

Backyard Scavenger Hunt


  1. Find A blade of grass that is bigger than your pinkie.

  2. Find A heart shaped leaf.

  3. Find A tree with a pattern.

  4. Find A purple flower.

  5. Find A different colour leaf like red or orange.

  6. Find A red flower and a yellow flower.

  7. Make a rainbow out of flowers. And take pictures. Do not pick them.

My Space Explanation.

Earth is the only planet with life in our solar system. Earth is also the only planet with water on its surface
and it is the only planet with human kind on it. And it has a core not one. four they are the. Crust, Mantle, Outer core and the solid metal inner core. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

My Alien Puppet.

 For one of the home learning challenges we had to make an alien puppet.  Mum made one too.  I made a puppet from an old sock.  I added lots of little eyes, one giant eye, three medium sized eyes and one mouth.  I called my alien 'Cooper'.  

Thursday, August 26, 2021

My Brownie making With My Mum

 This is the star brownie that mum and I made last night.

The icing is blue with sprinkles that are black white and blue and silver. It tasted like a brownie with chocolate icing.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

My Lego Challenge



Monday Mash Up Last Week.

At Monday mash up today i did comic book making and i made part two. And my buddy made part one.
Part two was called. Super stretch and his stretchy pets. Axel the axolotl. And chick chick bang chicken.
and blobby. I cant remember what i was going to write


click on my doc for my Wrappuccino story

Monday, August 16, 2021


 Once there was a man who went to war and remembered that day for the rest of his life why because he was the bravest of them all. And all of the others were dead shot by the jets. And sliced from sword. But there was one person who was stuck and was taken by the other side never seen again. Or was he that was the end of wave one the next group was out charging head first and some survived and some not so much. The man never gave up so he was in the next wave. The end of wave two. Now it is the final wave most people were dead others still alive. he will remember that day. Chapter 2. the next war. Wave one. death. most died less then the other people were dead the man was still alive. Wave two. Most alive some were not so much. Wave three. People were fighting under water and some on land some underground and some were just lying on the ground dead. Probably because they didn't think of a plan. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Friday, August 6, 2021


 At maths we did grams, mills, litres and kg's.

One mill is One gram.

1000 Mills is one Litre.

1000 grams is one kg.

This problem is about a student that brang a 1L bottle.

And another.

And then a 1.5L bottle.

And a 2L bottle.

And the answer was 5.5Ls.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Friday, July 30, 2021

My News.


Monday, July 26, 2021

Capacity Activities

At maths today we did capacity. We had to race against a buddy to fill a cup with sand. One person had to use a spoon or a small cup. And it was not even fair. The spoon had barely any sand. And the cup had tons of sand.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Reflection Of My Term.

I enjoyed making a model of a v-hut because it was hard but my group finished it on the 6th day of inquiry.

I liked when we had to make butter because it was easy.

I hated that i missed that your parents  had to dress you up.

I liked that i walked the bridle path with my class.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Bridle Path Walk.

My class went to walk the Bridle Path. We went there because we wanted to feel like to walk over the Lyttelton Hill to Christchurch. I was at the front when we were going down the other side. It felt like the walk was a hour. But it was actually 45 minutes. Most people fell over but i only fell over once. Why we went there was because we wanted to feel what it would feel like to walk the bridle path. It was exciting because it was a long journey but i got believe in my self half way up. And it was 95% exciting. THE END. By the way my Teacher fell over on a rock.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Our V-hut

We made a v-hut. First we put the roof together and then we made a mini campfire. And then we painted the roof. And then put a mini log in the area.

and then we painted the log, made a pond and painted it blue, made mini

trees. And we were nearly finished but we added some more paint and we painted the floor green and was finished. The first v-hut was made in the 1850s by the Europeans. They had to carry a whole bunch of stuff over Lyttelton hill. 

They had no chimneys.

They covered the roof in flax.

the end

Thursday, July 1, 2021

My MakeyMakey Game Controller

Game Controller: shark controller

Tell us about your game controller… it is shaped like a shark

What material did you use that conducts. play doe and tin foil 

Did it work? no Upwards was left.  I think I might have programmed it wrong because the wiring was correct.

What changes did you make? make it more playable and easy to sue.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Monday Mashup. Board Game

Day 1

 We made a plan of our board game our boar game. It is Space adventure.

Day 2

we started are real board game on a piece of paper.

Day 3

we did half are real board game and i hope we finish it on the next day.

Day 4

Thanks for reading this. From James hope you have a great day.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Making Butter-Making Bread.

Making Butter.
Step 1. Put cream in a jar.
Step 2. shake it well.
Step 3. shake it more until it forms butter.

Making Bread.
Step 1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees celcius.
Step 2. Mix flour and salt.
Step 3. Add butter and mix.
Step 4. Add water and mix.
Step 5. Knead the dough.
Step 6. bake for 30 min.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Ferrymead Trip

These are the jobs you had to do at Ferrymead 
V-hut-Scrub the deck. Cut the wood. Plant the garden. 
Crafts-you could make an optical illusion and make candle. 
Immigration-Army officer. Name James.
Packing the trunk-You needed three pounds of soap.

I learnt these rules-No hand's in pockets. No hats backwards. Girls go before boys. don't ruin your shoes.
Thanks for reading.😊😊😊😊

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Seal Pup

 What is her name? Aquatic

Where is the pup’s mother? At the bottom of the ocean

What animal is she? A seal

What might she have learnt already from her mother? How to walk

How old is the pup? 7

Do you remember learning to swim? yes 

What were the biggest challenges you had to overcome? Nothing yet

Will the pup be brave enough to enter the water? Yes I think she can

How is it that some animals are better swimmers than others? They have different feat

How do you think it would feel to swim in that water? chilly

Would you be able to do it? no

The young pup peered down into the icy water below with a growing feeling of trepidation. Only a few days old, she had learnt so much already from watching her mother, but this challenge was her greatest so far.

How would it feel to be submerged? What would she find lurking underneath the surface? How would she ever get back onto dry land?

Questions flooded her mind like a torrent of icy water, but bravely she inched closer to the edge she moved forward closer and closer dipping her paw in the deep Ocean of the picific she fell down all the way to the bottom. She was scared. She closed her eye’s. And swam flying through the water. She swam to the surface. She was scared but she got braver so she was not scared anymore. Then she wasn't scared of the water.

Monday, May 24, 2021

The Bird That Can Split In Half

It can split in half. It has a broken back. It's beak is curved. It's a parrot.

Te Papa

Where is Te Papa? 55 Cable Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011.
What is Te Papa? Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
My favourite exhibit is Toi art

Monday, May 17, 2021

My Robot Fish

My Robot Fish can shoot a laser out of his eye. He has a tail that make's him swim really fast. He has a blue pupil and a yellow eye.


Zia And Pippa

Part 1 Zia. I am sitting on the lime green grass. Pippa is steering  into my soul, I am creeped out. I might get out of Pippa's eyesight, lie in the sun. I was annoyed by Pippa.

My Paper Monster

He is green.

He has red eye's that can see the future.

He has a spikey tongue that can slice through anything.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Thursday, March 25, 2021

My pixel art

 We had to make pixel art.with cube's.I made wave's with a water dragon.The challenges were under standing the keys.

Friday, March 19, 2021

The Hill

I smell fresh air going through my veins.

I hear the plants bending through the wind. It remind's me when I am at the beach and I am alone.

I see the saplings with blazing orange petals. It remind's me of the tree's in autumn.

Friday, March 5, 2021

My garden whiting


I hear the tree's swaying side to side in the cold breeze it rim mind's me about the beach

 on a windy day.


I can smell the fresh air the plant's and fresh sea water

 it rim mind's me about the time i went to a

 flower garden. 


I can see the tree's the bird's flying past and the leave's drifting away

 it rim mind's me of a rain forest.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Staircase

Part 1 ...I am heading to the beach. I see a staircase flying threw the clouds. Its like heaven. It has marshmallows cupcakes and a chocolate fountain... it was a dream. or was it...

Monday, February 15, 2021

Monday Mashups

 My maze has three straws.With a death zone.A bridge of tape.And a tape role. And a hole.With a pass out point.If you make it pass it turns easy to medium. If you make it again you go to hard... you have to go three times in a row. 

I made my maze with Miihaea. My favourite bit was fixing the straw bit where the marble got stuck.